Chakra Gemstone Ring
This gemstone ring is made with small gemstones. It is adjustable and made of platinum-coated brass. The colorway represents the 7 lower Aritu (chakras), aiding in healing.
💎 The Crown Chakra is represented by Amethyst which is known to increase connection with the divine and helps to release negative emotions. It is a grounding crystal that promotes calmness.
💎 Third Eye Chakra is represented by Lapis Lazuli which is known for its soothing abilities. Because it opens the mind, Lapis Lazuli increases intuitive abilities and calms the senses. It also increases one’s connection to the earth.
💎 Throat Chakra is represented by Aquamarine, which invokes the element of water. As such, it enhances meditative states. It is a spiritual and emotional conduit that can ease the pain of the heart or lighten emotional loads. It protects in travel at sea.
💎 Heart Chakra is represented by Green Aventurine which is known for helping to heal the heart. It is grounding and helps to bring balance, which aids confidence and security. Green Aventurine is also a protecting crystal.
💎 Solar Plexus Chakra is represented by Tiger’s Eye which is known for courage and power. It is in the quartz family and removes evil eye energy. It aids in love and abundance.
💎 Sacral Chakra is represented by Orange Agate
💎 Root Chakra is represented by Red Agate
Agates are grounding stones that increase one’s connection to the earth. They are mystical and possess charging energy that can enhance manifestation. These stones belong to the quartz family.
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