Showing 1–12 of 34 results

7 Chakras Pendant Necklace Set- Zinc Alloy- ships free Fashion

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $11.00.
7 Chakras Pendant Necklace Set- Zinc Alloy- ships freeActivating and aligning your chakras will impact your everyday experience. Create healing

Antique Bronze- 7 Chakras Pendant Necklace Set *ships free Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $11.50.
Antique Bronze- 7 Chakras Pendant Necklace Set *ships freeActivating and aligning your chakras will impact your everyday experience. Create healing

Archangel Chamuel Loose Incense Discount

Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $7.00.
Archangel Chamuel Loose IncenseI lovely floral scented blend of roses, herbs, essential oils and resins. Burn to connect with the

Bone Runes Online now

Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $9.50.
Bone RunesHand carved runes have been used since ancient times for divination purposes

Candle and incense bundle. Supply

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.
Candle and incense bundle.Labradorite chips and earthy essential oil infused candle, and lovely floral scented loose incense blend of roses,

Carved Ankh Box on Sale

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $15.20.
Carved Ankh Box5x3x5″ turquoise box full of sacred objects: reiki charged candle, rose wrapped sage, angelite stone, green calcite stone,

Carved Pentagram Cabinet Supply

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $30.00.
Carved Pentagram CabinetHand carved pentagram, 11” cabinet. The drawer is full of crystals : tumbled unakite, tumbled moss agate, green

Carved Pentagram Magic Cabinet Online Sale

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $25.20.
Carved Pentagram Magic CabinetSo many treasures in this 9” tall, witchy cabinet. The top section flips up and is full

Chakra Stones-Reiki on Sale

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.50.
Chakra Stones-ReikiChakra stones, for use with crystal healing, chakra clearing, and Reiki. Had etched stones including: jasper, orange aventurine, yellow

Clear 64 Tetrahedron Grids Online

Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $7.00.
Clear 64 Tetrahedron GridsClear acrylic grid for crystals or other ritual work. 5.5”

Crystal Zen Garden Fashion

Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $22.00.
Crystal Zen GardenCreate sacred space with a beautiful Zen Garden. Each garden includes a quartz geode, an amethyst cluster, green

Crystal Zen Garden Hot on Sale

Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $23.20.
Crystal Zen GardenCreate sacred space with a beautiful, cast stone, Zen Garden. Each garden includes a quartz geode, a sparkling