June Featured Shop Item
This bundle is made up of a bonus book perfect for summer reading and a Writing Passport on MARKETING. Penned by the Scribbler Team and a bestselling author (with 15+ years of experience as a marketing executive), this Passport will debunk some common marketing myths and help you develop a marketing plan based around your author goals.
Our bonus book is perfect for readers looking for:
– An abandoned villa on the Italian coast
– A capable, hard-working, and driven heroine
– A slow-burn romance with plenty of steam
– Family drama and secrets (someone else’s, of course!)
– The ups and downs of rehabbing a piece of history
Receive free shipping automatically as a box subscriber by logging into your Scribbler account prior to ordering, or with code FREESHIP for U.S. customers when spending $25 in our shop. This item will ship June 21st inside your box, or separately on the 21st if you are not a box subscriber.